Final Event of the Italy-Switzerland Interreg Programme
9 October 2023

During the closing event of the Interreg Italy-Switzerland Programme for the period 2014-2020, held on 27 September in the ‘Sala Biagi’ of Palazzo Lombardia, the SHARESALMO project was chosen from among the 95 projects co-financed by the programme as one of the innovative projects under Axis II of the programme, dedicated to the enhancement of natural and cultural heritage.
The day was an opportunity for all the beneficiaries of the co-funded projects to meet and share their achievements and good practices developed during the programme period. The morning plenary session was devoted to a quick overview of the main categories of projects funded and the most interesting experiences presented by the project partners and coordinators themselves.
“The opportunity to present to a large audience of technicians, experts and administrators the project dedicated to the conservation of Salmonidae was of great satisfaction for the Ticino Park”.
Monica Di Francesco, Head of the Ticino Park Fauna Office and Project Manager
Below is the YouTube video of the final event of the Programme: